Welcome to Zodiaque!

About Zodiaque: We use only 100% genuine essential oils, pressed from botanicals from all corners of the earth. No animal products, vegan friendly, cruelty free and eco friendly. Each batch created to order, and personalized according to your Zodiac Sign.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Let's get PHILLY cooking, Ya'll!

My first job while attending college was working at a homeless shelter in San Diego, I learned some amazing things that I carry with me to this day.

One thing that stands out for me is that after working along side thousands of homeless families, for 5 years, was that my preconceived stereotypes were busted wide open.

I was shocked to learn that they weren't all drug addicts, alcoholics or lazy human beings, some were well educated, hard working people that had one bad stint after another roll them down so far in life that they couldn't get "up" without some major help.

I was sent a link to this video and it tugged at my heart strings, taking me back to years ago when I would share meals with the residents at the shelter.

WATCH the Broad Street VIDEO HERE

Around the dinner table is when REAL talk happened there, when the potential for real change and encouragement took place. Breaking bread with each other literally removes all social barriers and status and puts us all on equal ground which was the key to healing these broken spirits.

So today, do something that's good for YOUR health and wellness, GIVE, SHARE, INSPIRE others. And if you can't give, just re post this somewhere or tell a friend.

Let's get PHILLY COOKING, Ya'll!

Want more information?

Visit: Broad Street Ministry

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Healing through Art

Underwater City - by The Golden Trees

There are many methods of invoking healing and returning to wellness in one's life after a trauma. Some attend traditional counseling, some take prescription medication, some talk with a friend.

And others, paint or create art to heal. Whether it's a mental illness like schizophrenia or pain from a unfortunate car accident, numbers of people report picking up a paintbrush brings them closer to a more calm self.  Read about how people in B.C. heal through art in this news article.

In Vernon, B.C. there will be an "Awakening the Spirit Art Show" from July 13 - Sept 11 at the Coat Check Gallery in Vernon. 

I also found a fantastic artist on Etsy, whose work inspires a sense of peace and wellness.

Blue Water Original abstract watercolor - by The Golden Trees

 This artist, Sarah is passionate about eastern reading, meditation, tarot, buddist history and Feng Shui, which she attempt to infuse into her works of art. Her aim is to instill calm, serenity, and positive elements when viewing her artwork

I know I feel at peace when looking at this "Blue Water Original abstract watercolor" - what do you see? 

Visit Sarah's shop, "The Golden Trees"  HERE to view more inspiring pieces of artwork!  

And while you're at it.........PICK UP A PAINTBRUSH and paint your way to wellness this week! Let me know how it goes!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Keep those puppies safe

While this 'ol blog is generally about promoting peace and wellness among HUMANS, I figure it's just as important to make sure our little animal friends are taken care of.

This is a very cool contest that will help your local animal shelter win $15,000 and YOU could win a $50 gift card just for referring people to the contest.

ENTER Contest here

I'm guessing you will feel a sense of peace and wellness, just by knowing you helped to get a puppy or kitty cat off the street and in a warm shelter for the night!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Birthday in July? Larkspur or Ruby

I'll be True - Blue Larkspur Flower Earrings by NaturalFlipside

It is believed that the Roman empire began the tradition of giving specific stones and flowers according to the recipient's birth month. If you were born in July, back in the day, you'd be given a Larkspur flower and a Ruby. Hey, not too shabby!

The Larkspur flower represents an open heart and ardent attachment. Does that describe the Leo's and Cancer's you know?

I was excited to find this family team of artists and creators, NaturalFlipside on Etsy.  They have made a one of a kind, very unique and special pair of earrings out of the Larkspur flower. 

Why do we like this store in particular? Well, they offer Eco-friendly, recycled, up cycled, re purposed and sustainable products AND where else do you find earrings made out of actual flowers? You don't.
So, check out their store at: NaturalFlipside or @ their website www.naturalflipside.com

Friday, July 1, 2011

Calling all Etsy Shops.....

Do you have a product in your shop that promotes peace & or wellness in some shape or form? Something that inspires others to live a more healthy, zen, peaceful sort of existence?

 Photo by Ambro

If so, I'd love to consider your item to share here on my blog.

SEND me the link to your listing and a little blurb on how you think it fits the theme of this here 'ol blog and I'll share the wellness with others.